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We’re on the cusp of that time of year when the leaves start to change in glorious arrays of colors, an explosion of magnificent reds, vibrant yellows and glowing oranges. Forests become nature’s own landscape as she paints the hills and valleys in stunning hues, putting on a breathtaking art show that’s free every year. There are some places in this country where the vistas are particularly beautiful, places where people go out of their way to visit. Mower Source the 7 best bets for this year’s fall colors.


Aspen, Colorado

This location gets the top spot because of its sheer size and enormity. You can see gorgeous landscapes for miles and miles, with craggy mountaintops poking their heads through the trees. The only downside is the fall colors viewing season in Aspen is short, so head there as soon as you’ve finished this article.

Stowe, Vermont

There’s the field of entrants in the country’s best fall colors, and then there’s this show-stopper in Stowe, Vermont. The nickname for Stowe (that it calls itself, anyway) is “Fall’s Color Capital”, and it’s easy to see why when cruising down the Mount Mansfield Auto Toll Road. You feel like it was designed just for you.

Blue Ridge Parkway, Virginia/North Carolina

Pack up for a 500-mile road trip that’ll take you through some of the most dazzling fall colors display you’ve ever seen. The Blue Ridge Parkway is one of the best known routes for viewing the changing colors, and it seems like the road’s been set up just for this: it moves with the land instead of cutting through it.

Columbia River Gorge, Oregon

Sometimes, you want just that extra bit of something special with your fall colors, so how about a waterfall? The Columbia River Gorge is a sort of unofficial border between Oregon and Washington, cutting through the Cascade Mountains. One of the best vantage point for seeing firs, cottonwoods, big-leaf maples, and Oregon ash is on the tall, tall bridge.



Moosehead Lake Region, Maine

No fall colors list would be complete without including Maine, but veer off the trodden trail and check out something a little more different. Drive close to the Canadian border where Moosehead Lake is, and let yourself be entranced on the dipping and rising highway as the stunning display comes into view. At about 75 miles, it’s more than easily doable as a day trip.

Green Mountain Byway, Vermont

Vermont’s another one of those magical areas that seems like it was specially designed to host a staggeringly beautiful art display. The route is 11 miles long, so instead of driving through it, park the car and hike it. You’ll get a much better chance to really soak in the natural beauty here, and there’ll be plenty of photo ops along the way. Just remember to start early so you can avoid the inevitable crowds all arriving for the same reason as you.

Great Smoky Mountains, North Carolina/Tennessee

The last selection on this list may appear to be a bit of a cliche, but it’s only viewed as such to people who’ve never been here before. If you have, you know that absolutely nothing compares to the 800 miles of roads and hiking trails and huge impressive show of fall colors. The beauty is that you’ll run out of oaks, maples, sweetgums, and hickories in one of America’s most visited national parks, giving you plenty of opportunities for return trips to keep seeing something new.

You’ll have your own little fall colors show in your backyard, but as a homeowner, those leaves won’t pick themselves up. Make sure you’ve got Mower Source’s leaf gear with you for the most efficient job possible, and enjoy free shipping on anything you get.
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It’s that time of year everyone doesn’t quite look forward to: school’s back in session and you have to watch out for kiddies on the roads, and the weather is changing for the chillier. While the days are still quite warm, the mercury during the night drops down quite a bit and now you’re reaching for a heavy sweater or jacket in the mornings and evenings. Yes, fall is definitely on its way. And with the next season brings a new way of tending to your grass and garden, so zip up your hoodie, grab a mug of hot tea, and keep reading.


Don’t Change Much about Mowing the Grass

Keep up your regular mowing schedule and how you water the lawn, too, right through the fall. We’re not at the frost cutoff just yet, so your grass still needs regular trimming to keep it healthy and looking good. But what you do want to do is change the blade height a little. Just tweak the height a little bit as the weather gets colder so more sun can reach the grass blades. Depending on where you live, this may not have to happen just yet, so keep watching the weather channel for when you do have to.

Aerate Your Lawn

This is something you should be doing right now so your grass gets the best fighting chance for winter dormancy as possible. You want to make sure oxygen, fertilizer and water can reach into the deep spots under the earth line, and aerating does that. The job doesn’t take very long and you can easily rent a gas-powered walk behind aerator, which will poke little holes into the earth and remove those grass plugs so nutrients can get in.

Repair Any Damaged Spots

You may have tried to fix bald or patchy spots on your lawn during the summer, and found that the searing heat of the sun made new grass growth difficult. Now, as the weather’s getting cooler, you don’t have to content with blistering heat that kills grass before it has a chance to sprout. Rake the soil in the patchy area so the dirt is ready to receive new grass, put a healthy layer of lawn repair mixture over it, and water so it can start sprouting. After the first watering, you don’t have to be as regular in your watering and only go at it every week or two weeks.



Apply a Layer of Fall Fertilizer

We call it “fall fertilizer”, but there’s nothing on the market that’s geared to work better in cold weather instead of high summer. Instead, fertilizer is grouped according to the ratio of the nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium) and you’ll need to pick out a blend depending on the kind of grass you have and where you live. But what’s awesome about applying fertilizer in the fall is you’re giving your grass an extra boost of nutrients to tide it over during the winter, as well as helping out the grass roots and rhizomes now. Just make sure the fertilizer is spread well and evenly over your entire lawn.

Rake the Leaves

The one thing you don’t want to do is wait until the trees have dropped all their leaves because then your job will be needlessly difficult. Plus, the leaves will get wet, heavy and stuck together, also making raking harder than it has to be. Instead, chip away at it little by little so it never seems like a gargantuan task. Clearing your grass of leaves helps ensure your lawn doesn’t suffocate under a wet, clumpy mat so it looks great in the spring.

Mower Source is here for you through great sunny days and cool rainy ones. We know how important it is to care for your lawn year round, even when there’s a layer of snow covering it. To make sure you’re doing an ace job all the time, check out our selection for the best tools for the job. And on everything you buy, there’s never any shipping!
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Lawn mowers are powered in one of two ways: with a cord, or a supply of gas. Both have their advantages and disadvantages, depending on what your mowing personality is like and what your job consists of. One is great for the lawn mower who likes a bit of freedom when cutting the grass, although environmental friendliness may not be a top priority. The other option, though, may be more environmentally friendly, but it has a limited leash on which it can run. We’ll take a fun and lighthearted look at the pros and cons of each type of lawn mower so you can decide which one’s best for you.


Not all of us have a postage stamp-sized lawn or one with electrical outlets every 10 feet, so it’s important to get a lawn mower that can go where it needs to get the job done. This is especially true for larger lawns or oddly-shaped ones where you need a mower that can cut, turn, weave and pretty much just barrel its way to short-shorn success.

Winner: Gas-powered lawn mowers



Environmental Friendliness

It’s not new news anymore that machines that belch gas and fumes aren’t exactly good for the air we breathe. Although a lawn mower is much smaller than a gas-guzzling SUV, it still has a carbon footprint that’s far bigger than using a pair of scissors to cut grass. There are times when we just can’t avoid using gas machines, but cutting the lawn doesn’t have to be one of them.

Winner: Electric lawn mowers

Toughness and Thoroughness

The debate between gas and electric in terms of power is also nothing new. All you have to do is look at mopeds versus e-bikes, and regular cars versus electric ones, like the Tesla. If you had to pit one against the other in each vehicle size, which one do you think would be able to go further and produce more power? Hands down it’s the gas ones. Where a lawn mower is different is that it’s attached to a continuous power source, but electric is still no match for a gas lawn mower, which can cut through tough grass and just last longer.

Winner: Gas-powered lawn mowers




There’s just one variable to consider when it comes to savings here, and that’s the size of your yard. If you have a tiny yard that’s about a tenth of an acre or less, or a big yard (half an acre or more), then gas is the way to go. But if you have a medium-sized lawn that’s about a third of an acre, then your best bet is electric.

Winner: Tie


Lawn mowing isn’t exactly a silent job, but there are certain aspects you can control. Most of us probably don’t need a Harley-strong engine in our lawn mowers, with the exception being riding mowers (but that’s a different article altogether). For regular push mowers, though, you have three noise settings: sort of loud, loud, and super duper loud. If you can avoid mowing your lawn before the sun gets up, then you may be okay on the volume it produces. But either way, your neighbours may be a little happier if you get a quieter mower.

Winner: Electric lawn mowers


Because a lawn mower is a machine, it’s made up of many parts — and they’ll need to be looked after. It’s an inevitability before something needs to be fixed or replaced, and the only question is when. However, how much work you have to do on your lawn mower differs depending on the kind you got, and there’s a noticeable difference between the two. Electric mowers tend to be the simpler ones, while gas lawn mowers are a little, ahem, fussier.

Winner: Electric lawn mowers

The kind of lawn mower you end up buying really comes down to personal preference and the kind of yard you get. But if you’re looking at our selection, then the worry of getting a good-quality one is gone. Each one of our lawn mowers is a top-notch one that arrives in great condition, and you’ll even get free shipping on each and every one, too.