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Do you bag your grass clippings or leave them when you mow the lawn? While many people like to bag because it makes their lawn more attractive, an acre of bag clippings can use up to 260 bags each year! That is why many states require you to separate  grass waste from your other waste. Here are some reasons why you should consider leaving your clippings on your lawn the next time you mow.

Why should I mulch?

Grass contains  nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. By keeping your grass clippings you can use them as a ‘natural fertilizer’. Mulching will reduce the amount of water that your lawn needs. The healthier your lawn is the more efficiently the roots will absorb water. Another reason why mulching is beneficial is that since grass is 100% biodegradable you can incorporate the clippings into your compost pile.

What about Thatch?

A common argument against mulching is that it causes thatch. Thatch is a layer of living and dead organic matter that chokes out new growth. Many people believe that mulching can cause thatch. Thatch is actually caused by over fertilization and over watering. This causes the lawn to grow excessively fast.


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