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Your lawn is the pride and joy of your yard, the very thing that gives rise to the saying “the grass is greener on the other side”. However, for that to be true, you have to actually pick out what kind of grass will grow green, lush and healthy because not all grass is created equal. Grasses need specific climates in which to thrive, so we’ll be taking a look at which grass you should be growing.


Cool Season Grass

These grasses enjoy their peak growing in cooler weather, when you’ll see them grow the most. However, one thing to keep in mind is the difference between cool and cold: cool season grasses do best in temperatures between 65 to 80F, and cold is, well, colder than that.

  • Kentucky Bluegrass: The name was coined because of the flower heads that appear blue when grass grows to its full heigh of two to three feet. But because most homeowners trim their grass well before it reaches this height, they don’t see the blue flower heads.
  • Perennial Ryegrass: The blades on this grass are smooth and hairless, and you can see long parallel lines running down it vertically. It grows to a full height of about 3ft, and is easy to get a full yield.
  • Tall Fescue: If you have slightly acidic soil (pH between 5.5 to 7), then this toothed-edge grass is for you. One of its key characteristics is the grass folds instead of rolls, and has a scruffy, bedhead look when compared to Kentucky bluegrass.
  • Fine Fescue: There are at least five different types of fine fescues, and are known by their fine leaf appearance. Because of their delicate structure, they’re a type of grass you should plant in low-traffic areas, otherwise they can get damaged (and take a while to recover).
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    Warm Season Grass

    Opposite to cool season grass, this family does best when the mercury reads 75 to 90F. Not much of the United States consistently gets these kinds of temperatures, but the southern portion does.

  • Bermuda Grass: It’s funny; this grass is an invasive species in the Middle East, and yet it’s highly prized here for lawns. The blades are colorful with tints of grey, green and purple, loves the sun, and can grow its root system about 6ft deep to get the water it needs.
  • Centipedegrass: Remember Chia Pets? This grass sort of looks like that, with thick, coarse blades and a light/medium green hue. While it doesn’t do so well in drought conditions, it doesn’t need a lot of mowing, making it a very low-maintenance grass.
  • St.Augustine Grass: When you think of grass that looks like a carpet, this is the one. It grows really thick and close together, which is excellent for crowding out weeds. Disadvantage: it takes plugs, sprigs or sod to grow (and is medium- to high-maintenance), but it does well in both slightly acidic and basic soils.
  • Bahiagrass: It’s a low-growing grass that bunches together into a dense sod, with the flowery tips splitting apart in a V-shape. And when you’ve got salty, dry or sandy conditions, then this one grows happily.
  • Zoysia Grass: This is the type of grass you see on golf courses because of its ability to keep standing no matter how many times it’s trod upon, as well as being able to stop erosion on inclines. As an added bonus, they’re super good at resisting drought, disease and weeds.
  • Now that you know exactly what kind of grass you’re going to get, the next step is maintaining it so it always looks good. Mower Source can help, with our line of top-quality mowers. But don’t just take our word for it, check out our lawn mowers and enjoy two awesome bonuses: free shipping to the lower 48 states, and a free blade with any Toro Super Recycler Lawn Mower.
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    Ideally, your Mower Source lawn mower will run fine every time because you’ve been taking great care in properly maintaining it. But lawn mowers are mechanical objects with moving parts, and they’re not immune from running into the occasional problems. Because you’re both a dedicated reader and fan of Mower Source‘s high standard of quality, this post on how to troubleshoot basic problems is just for you.

    Lawn Mower Won’t Start

    There are several reasons for this problem, each listed below:

  • Spark Plug: It could be dirty, loose or not connected at all, so clean it, tighten it or connect it (damaged spark plugs need to be replaced).
  • Air Filter: Could be dirty, so give it a thorough cleaning.
  • Fuel: Is the tank full? Or is fuel not reaching the engine? Try tapping the side of the carburetor, filling the tank, or replacing the fuel filter.
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    Lawn Mower Mows Unevenly

    This is almost always one of two problems:

  • Dull Blades: Use a metallic file to sharpen them, take them in for a professional to do, or replace them if they’re really worn.
  • Unbalanced: Sometimes, grass may have built up on one side and needs emptying.
  • Lawn Mower Guzzles Gas

    Lawn mowers that use gas aren’t supposed to go through fuel like a thirsty V12 Hummer, so the culprit is usually a clogged air filter. Clean it thoroughly, or replace it if it’s more than a year old.



    Lawn Mower Suddenly Dies

    Uh-oh! You’re halfway through the lawn and it just quits on you. Here’s what to do:

  • Air Filter: If it’s clogged, your engine is getting suffocated and the filter either needs to be cleaned or replaced.
  • Spark Plug: Same as not starting at all, it may need to be cleaned, tightened, re-connected or replaced.
  • Grass: There could either be a build-up underneath that needs to be cleaned out, or the blades aren’t set high enough if you’re cutting tall grass.
  • Lawn Mower is Smoking

    It’s easy to freak out when you see smoke coming out of your lawn mower, but this isn’t usually a complicated problem. Just make sure to turn the switch off before troubleshooting.

  • Oil Compartment: There may be too much oil in there and it overflowed, or it could be burning because of the engine’s heat. It either needs to be drained or fill, so check the dipstick.
  • Spark Plug: This little bit is responsible for quite a bit in the lawn mower and in this case, it could be covered in oil. Use carburetor cleaner to clean it off.
  • Carburetor: Common issues are that it’s dirty or clogged, and common ways of solving this problem are to clean it or replace it.
  • Lawn Mower Starter Rope Requires the Strength of Hercules

    You pull and pull on that thing, and you may as well be solving geometric proofs for all the good it’s doing. Never fear, it’s usually one of these things:

  • Flywheel Brake: The bar needs to be pulled all the way down or or it just won’t roar to life.
  • Grass: Clogged-up grass in the undercarriage could be blocking the starting process, so scoop everything out and try again. Tip: It’s best to disengage the spark plug first and then empty the undercarriage on a hard surface.
  • Congratulations, you’re now a mini-pro at keeping your Mower Source mower going all the time! And if you don’t have a Mower Source lawn mower, then check out our selection right now. Any lawn mower you have your heart set on, it’ll come right to your doorstep with free shipping. And if you place an order between Monday to Friday before 1pm CST, we’ll ship it that very day!
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    Lawns are essentially plants, which means they need regular maintenance to look their best. An ignored lawn may be okay, but it’s highly unlikely. Instead, focusing on it — and focusing on it the right way — means you’re lawn can be happy, healthy and pretty. In this article, Mower Source takes a look at different ways of mowing your lawn to achieve a variety of looks.

    The Wrigley Field Cut

    What lawn is nicer to look at than a baseball field, and especially the one at Wrigley Field? While the overall ballpark has a lot of positive aesthetics going for it, its lawn is one of the biggest components. It’s comprised of mainly alternating stripes, but there’s also a faint cross hatch pattern on it, too.



    How to get the look: Straight lines are a must (alternate the direction on each stripe), but to get the striped look, you have to bend the grass blades in different directions. To do that, leave your grass on the long-ish side and weigh your lawn mower down with duct-taped barbells (to adequately bend the grass). The only tricky bit is maximizing on how much sun can reflect off the grass blades: the direction that gets the most sun on your lawn should be parallel to the sun. For example, if your lawn gets the west sun, mow stripes in east and west lines.


    Want to make your lawn look like a small crop circle? It’s a lot easier than you think. You do have to make a concerted effort to focus on straight lines (making them curved is a lot harder), but using landmarks in your yard helps a great deal. Tip: use a weed whacker on the outer edges before you begin, so that way you can get cleaner lines.

    How to get the look: Start in the middle of your lawn and move in outward concentric lines. Or, in less fancier terms, mow up one lawn mower width, turn, and repeat until you’ve done the whole lawn. Only turn in one direction.



    Quadruple Spiral

    If you’re looking for a big challenge but something that’ll make your lawn look really cool, give four spirals a go. It can get a bit tricky keeping track of all the turns (62) and straight lines, but outlining it faintly in chalk first can cut out a lot of that.

    How to get the look: Start on one edge and go from the middle spot. From there, you’ll be cutting into the first center of one spiral, mowing your way out of it and into the center of another spiral, and so on until you’ve done all four.



    Zig Zag Spiral

    This is an identical pattern to the Spiral, except there are zig zags mown into every line. The result — if done correctly — is a lawn that looks like a completed jigsaw puzzle, with each puzzle piece the same shape and size.

    How to get this look: Start in a corner (as opposed to the exact center as with the normal spiral), and turn your lawn mower 90 degrees every lawn mower width. Go from corner to corner in reverse concentric lines until you’ve reached the center.


    This looks like a tricky pattern to achieve, but that’s more illusion than actuality. If you don’t have a good eye for going at it with your lawn mower, outline the pattern first with chalk and then follow the lines.

    How to get the look: You’ll want to start in one corner, mow down the edge, stop halfway and then begin the labyrinth. It can be a little dizzying to complete, but the finished look is so worth it.



    You’re set with a number of different patterns you can mow your lawn with, so the only thing left is making sure you’ve got the right lawn mower. Check out Mower Source’s selection of lawn mowers to settle on the one that’s right for you, and enjoy free shipping to the lower 48 states.
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    Now that we can finally say goodbye to winter and usher in more pleasant weather, the question of what kind of lawn mower to get inevitably pops up. No two lawn mowers are alike, but nor should be. Each one performs differently according to what’s asked of it, and come in three basic forms: walk behind mowers, zero turn mowers, and riding mowers. In this article, Mower Source will take a look at each one so you can get an idea of which one is best for you.

    Walk Behind Mowers

    By far the most common kind of lawn mowers used by homeowners, walk behind mowers only require you to start it up and get going. They’re best for small- or medium-sized lawns, as their limited performance can’t handle really big jobs. They also come in three different varieties, with the pros and cons listed beside each:

  • Reel: There’s no engine, just a rotating blade that cuts grass as it moves. The maintenance only involves regularly sharpening the blades, but debris like twigs can jam it up.
  • Gas: What was once the most popular choice is now getting a little blackballed, because despite gas mowers providing extra power and freedom of use, their emissions are frowned down upon.
  • Electric: As long as you’re careful with not running over the cord, electric mowers get the job done just fine. While you’re limited in how far you can go before the cord won’t stretch any further, they’re quiet and easy to push.
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    Riding Mowers

    If you’ve got oodles and oodles of lawn (more than 3/4 of an acre) and really don’t relish the thought of pushing a lawn mower around for a few hours, a riding mower gets the job done more efficiently, and in less time. You can get them in one of three forms—rear engine, zero turn (more to come on this one), or tractor—with each one varying depending on what you need to do with it.

    Rear engine riding mowers are great to navigate large and narrow spaces, tackle small hills with a low center of gravity, and keep you comfortable. They don’t have a super powerful engine, so if you’re planning on really pushing it to the limits, you might find yourself a little out of luck.

    For bigger jobs, tractors are the ones for you. They’re a little slow, but it’s steady that wins the race, not speed. Tractor riding mowers are a little like tugboats: they’re kind of small, but have a lot of heart that lets them haul really heavy stuff behind them.



    Zero Turn Mowers

    These monsters are big, powerful, fast, and have great maneuverability. If you need to cover a lot of ground with thick grass and tight turns, zero turn riding mowers are the perfect ones for the job. They can be rather pricey, but the adage of “you get what you pay for” is particularly true here. Their two-handle steering mechanism has a bit of a learning curve, but it’s not steep and you’ll be able to go spinning in just about no time.

    Get an early start on spring and mowing your lawn with Mower Source’s selection of top name lawn mowers. We’ve got mowers for all different lawns and requirements, and each one comes with no shipping charges to the lower 48 states. Take a look now, and get your lawn looking great in no time.
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    Winter is finally over, an event that many of us thought would never come. The constant wallopings of snow, ice, and generally bleak weather not only set multiple records, but made winter feel like a weekend guest that had long overstayed its welcome. But every season must come to an end and winter finally seems like its packed up its bags, which means spring is here and it’s time to get your lawn mower ready for the warm and sunny weather.

    1. Do a General Walkaround First

    Your lawn mower has been sitting in the garage or shed for months, and it’s highly unlikely you looked at it a couple times a week to keep tabs on it. As much as we’d like to say it’d never happen, mice, squirrels, raccoons, and other unwelcome critters do find lawn mowers an excellent place to hole up during winter.

    Set your lawn mower out on your driveway and take a look at it. Are there remnants of animals’ homes, and have they left permanent evidence in the way of chewing, biting or urination? Is there rust on the body? Are any parts in need of repair or replacement? Now’s the perfect time to put an order in because in a few weeks, everybody will be calling in and the time it takes to receive a part will be greatly lengthened.



    2. Give it a Little Maintenance

    You don’t have to perform any great mechanical acts in the second step, only a few top ups. Start by changing the oil, as it’s been sitting in there for months without use. You can do this at home (just remember to recycle the oil), or you can take it in and have a professional whip it up in two seconds.

    Next up comes replacing the fuel. It’s tempting to leave a full tank in so you’re good to go, but after about 30 days, fuel starts to become unusable. Moisture has a tendency of creeping in, and the fuel and ethanol starts to separate. It’s just easier and safer—and cheap—to just start fresh.

    After that, take a look at the three filters (that probably need to be replaced):

  • Air Filter: The air filter is the one thing that stands between the inside gear and the, well, air. This isn’t a mandatory step, but your engine will sure run an awful lot smoother if you do replace it. (If you don’t want to replace it, vacuum it clean).
  • Fuel Filter: This tends to apply to larger lawn mowers, but yours may have a fuel filter, too. Your owner’s manual has the best and most specific tips for how to go about this, but a new fuel filter can boost your lawn mower’s performance.
  • Oil Filter: Just as with a fuel filter, an oil filter tends to be found on larger machines. But it doesn’t hurt to take a look to see if you’ve got one, and how clean or dirty it is.
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    3. Get a Little Edward Scissorhands on Your Lawn Mower

    It’s basic science: the sharper something is, the better it can cut something. If you’ve got dull lawn mower blades, you’ll veer more towards compressing the grass down instead of actually chopping off their little heads. Now, it is entirely possible to sharpen the blades at home, but it’s a pretty technical process and probably better left to someone who’s done it thousands of times and has the—pun intended—hands for it.

    4. Lubricate the Moving Parts

    Finally, the last step involves knowing that all moving parts will move as they’re supposed to, and not chafe dryly against each other. Some of the parts you’ll want to use a light-duty lubricant on include: wheel bearings, height adjusters, cables, and anything else the owner’s manual advises.

    Never lubricate anything that’ll touch the drive belt once you’ve got the lawn mower going.


    Now that the trees are growing back and grass is just as green on this side as it is on the other, it’s time to make sure you’re taking care of your lawn with one of Mower Source‘s top of the line lawn mowers. If you don’t have one, take a look at Mower Source’s selection now, and enjoy free shipping to the lower 48 states.
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    We’re almost halfway through the mowing season. I’m sure you are enjoying the leisure and productivity of your riding lawn mower. Even though there is still a lot of mowing yet to do, regular maintenance shouldn’t be forgotten. A consistent cut comes from consistent mower maintenance. There are a plethora of working parts to consider, but we’d like to narrow it down to the maintenance essentials. Here are a few tips to keep your riding lawn mower in excellent shape.

    Riding Lawn Mowers

    Toro LX427 Riding Lawn Mower

    The Oil

    Most people think that the oil rarely needs to be changed, but this isn’t the case. Oil should be changed at least once per summer, if not more. Warm the engine up for a minute to warm the oil. This will make it easier to drain. Be sure to drain your tank’s gasoline as well. If you are going to be keeping gas in the tank during storage, use a gasoline stabilizer.

    The Battery

    After the oil drains, disconnect your battery. Untether the negative connection first, followed by the positive connection. Removing the battery is a safety precaution to make sure that the mower doesn’t start accidentally.

    The Blades

    Clean the blades thoroughly and sharpen them. If there are larger chunks taken out of the blades, it may be time to replace them. Blades can be sharpened at a local hardware store or you can invest in a DIY sharpening kit.

    The Deck

    After removing the blades from the deck, scrape and remove excess dirt and debris. Use a putty knife and brush for this task. Buff away stains and reinstall the blades.

    The Belts

    Remove belts and their covers. Give both a good cleaning. Replace belts if you see apparent signs of strain or any cracks. Belts can also stretch under extreme heat conditions, so make sure that your belts are taut instead of stretched out.

    Riding Lawn Mowers for Sale

    Need a new riding lawn mower for the season? MowerSource sells high quality Toro, Ariens, and Husqvarna lawn mowers, including riding mowers, self-propelled mowers, and zero turn mowers. Free shipping on all orders to the lower 48 U.S.

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    Riding mower

    Need a new lawn mower this summer? Whether your old one broke down or it’s just time for an upgrade, Mower Source has the lawn mower you need. We can also help you decide between buying a riding mower versus the more traditional push mower. See our lawn mower buying guide for riding mowers and push mowers below.

    Why buy a riding mower?

    Do you have a large acreage? Lots of hilly terrain that makes it difficult to use a standard push mower? A riding mower may be the best way to mow the lawn without breaking a sweat or breaking your back.

    Riding mowers are self-powered, which means you don’t have to waste energy trying to push the mower up hills and pull it back from going too fast downhill.

    They also make it easier to mow land larger than one acre. Although it’s tiring to push a mower on a large area of land, the riding mower never quits–at least until you run out of gas.

    Riding mowers can handle thick or damp grass better than a push mower. The riding mower also has a larger bag for grass clippings, which means you shouldn’t have to stop and empty the bag while mowing the lawn. Since a riding mower is heavier than a push mower, it can handle rougher terrain, such as occasional weed patches and brush.

    Why buy a push mower?

    Do you have a limited budget and a smaller lawn? A standard push mower may be a more economical choice. Although push mowers require more effort to mow the lawn, they are smaller and can get into tighter spaces, as well as maneuver around landscaping features, retaining walls, trees, and gardens.

    Since a push mower is lighter in weight, it’s a little easier on your lawn. Plus its smaller size makes it easier to store.

    If you have a lawn with steep slopes, you might want to look at self-propelled walk-behind mowers. They are less likely to tip on steep slopes than a riding mower. Plus, the extra power assist makes it easier to get up hills with the mower.

    Lawn Mowers

    Whether you’re looking for a riding mower or a push mower, MowerSource.com has exactly the lawn mower you need for your lawn and budget. We offer free shipping to the lower 48 states and no tax on your purchase (outside of MN). We carry only the best lawn mowers, from name brands like Ariens, Husqvarna, and Toro. Every lawn mower is backed by a manufacturer’s guarantee!

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    Spring is the perfect time to get your lawn mower ready for the season. Regular tune-ups and maintenance can make your lawn mower last longer, perform better, and keep your lawn healthy and curb appeal friendly. Here are some tips on getting your lawn mower ready for spring.

    Toro lawn mower

    1. Read the manual.

    First, read the manufacturer’s maintenance instructions in your manual. Make sure the maintenance you are performing is recommended by the manufacturer for your specific lawn mower.

    Also, if you’re not comfortable working on your lawn mower, get professional help, or ask a friend who’s more mechanically minded to help you out.

    2. Get ready.

    Work in a ventilated area. If you’re in the garage, open the overhead door for maximum ventilation. Get together the supplies that you’ll need, including a drop cloth, cleaning brush, work gloves, engine oil, and lubricant. You’ll also need a new spark plug and air filter, if your lawn mower uses a paper filter.

    Cover the garage floor, driveway, or other work area with a drop cloth to protect the ground from any spills and to make cleanup easier.

    3. Disconnect the spark plug.

    Before you do any work on your lawn mower, disconnect the spark plug. This step is extremely important, since it prevents the lawn mower from accidentally starting while you are performing maintenance.

    4. Clean it up.

    Remove the grass catcher (if equipped) and brush away any dried grass clippings on the mower deck as well as underneath. You may need to use a putty knife to remove dried clods of grass and debris. If your lawn mower has a wash port built into the deck, we recommend cleaning your lawn mower after each use to make this step easier.

    5. Replace the oil.

    Change the oil by removing the drain plug at the bottom of the engine and allowing the dirty oil to run out into a container. Then put the plug back in place and add new engine oil. Choose the type of oil recommended in the owner’s manual for your lawn mower.

    6. Sharpen the blade.

    Did you know that a dull lawn mower blade can shred the tips of your grass and make your lawn turn brown? Sharpen the blade at least once a year. More often is better, but for most homeowners, once a year is better than never. Remove the blade from the mower before sharpening it. This is also a good time to thoroughly clean the underside of the mower, with the blade removed. If the blade has large nicks in it from hitting rocks or other debris, you should replace it with a new lawn mower blade.

    7. Lubricate.

    Lubricate the wheel bearings and any moving parts to keep them working smoothly. This also helps prevent rusting during storage.

    8. Clean or replace the air filter.

    Next, it’s time to clean or change the filter. If your lawn mower has a paper filter, replace the filter with a new one each mowing season. If your lawn mower has a foam filter, remove the filter and clean it with dish detergent and water. Then lightly saturate it with engine oil, wipe off the excess oil with a shop rag or plastic bag, and put the filter back in place.

    If you see any wear or damage inside your air cleaner element, replace it immediately. If your air cleaner is faulty, you risk damaging the lawn mower engine—which is much more costly to fix.

    9. Change the spark plug.

    Finally, you’ll need to replace the spark plug. This ensures easy starting. Use a socket wrench to replace the spark plug. Then reconnect the wire. Your mower is now ready for the season!

    Lawn Mowers for Sale

    Need a new lawn mower for the season? MowerSource.com sells high quality Toro, Ariens, and Husqvarna lawn mowers, including riding mowers, self-propelled mowers, and zero turn mowers. Free shipping on all orders to the lower 48 U.S.

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    For a limited time only, get a free extra blade when you purchase one of our Toro Super Recycler mowers. Toro’s Personal Pace® line of self propelled lawn mowers is one of our most popular mowers. The Toro Super Recycler automatically senses and adjusts to your pace, which makes mowing the lawn easy and effortless.

    Toro Super Recycler lawn mower

    We’re making the Toro Super Recycler even easier to maintain with a free extra lawn mower blade. Regular blade maintenance keeps your blade sharp and your lawn mower cutting easily.

    The Toro Super Recycler lawn mower features a Toro Premium OHV engine that burns cleaner and runs more efficiently than side-valve engines. The superior airflow design keeps your engine running cooler, and the muffler keeps the noise down—something your neighbors will appreciate.

    Not much room in your garage for storage? Not a problem with the Toro Super Recycler. This lawn mower offers compact storage with a Quick Stow storage handle that lifts up to store vertically.

    The cutting system is one of the best Toro offers, with a veneered cutting blade, clipping accelerator, and kickers. The cutting deck is made with cast aluminum guaranteed never to rust. Switch easily between mulching, side discharging, and rear bagging without using any tools.

    Cleanup is easy with the deck wash port. Just connect your garden hose and rinse away grass clippings from underneath the mower for better mower performance.

    Toro Super Recycler Lawn Mower Reviews

    “Hands down…best residential mower I have ever owned. I have been mowing grass for 30 years and this is the easiest mower I have ever operated. Lightweight, dependable and quiet.” – Smudge

    “I would highly recommend this Toro lawnmower to anyone wanting a self-powered mower. In the past, I had a hard time with the weight of self propelled mower, and the speeds were either too fast or too slow. The ‘Personal Pace’ Toro mower allows you to choose your own speed.” – Mary Ellen

    “My Toro mower is wonderful. Its self propelled features saves enables this 65 year old man to complete a chore much faster. It starts quickly, is quiet while running, and mulches the clipping adding nutrients to the lawn. The opening on the top for placing the hose nozzle for cleaning makes clean up a faster process. Rhank you Toro for an outstanding product!” – Linton

    Toro Lawn Mowers

    Get the best deal on Toro lawn mowers from MowerSource.com! We offer free shipping, no tax on purchases (except in MN), and the best warranty available.

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    Toro Recycler lawn mower

    What if a lawn mower could easily adjust to your walking speed and propel itself forward as you mow? With the Toro Recycler 20332 Personal Pace Mower, that’s exactly what you get. The Toro Personal Pace® system automatically senses your walking speed and matches your pace. Speed up or slow down, and the mower will follow.

    Toro Lawn Mower Review

    As one YouTube reviewer said after a year of using the Toro Recycler 20332 lawn mower, “Yep, I still love it. Seems like there’s a lot of cheap quality junk out there today in anything you buy. For once, this is a product that just feels like and works like a quality high-end piece of equipment. I can’t recommend it more highly! The Personal Pace compared to all other mowers I’ve ever tried and used nearly sells the mower alone!”

    See the Toro Recycler video review below:

    Toro Personal Pace 20332 Mower

    The Toro Recycler 20332 Personal Pace lawn mower is built for durability with a 190cc Briggs and Stratton engine that starts without any choking or priming. The Bag on Demand feature allows you to switch between mulching and bagging with a quick flip of a switch. The bag stays mounted in either mode.

    With a 22″ wide cutting deck you can cut the grass in less time. The built-in mulching system minces grass clippings so fine that you won’t even be able to tell they’re there. It’s also a great way to get a healthy, lush lawn without any extra steps. Just mow and mulch as you go!

    Toro Lawn Mowers

    Get ready for mowing season with a Toro Personal Pace lawn mower from MowerSource.com! We’ve got the best prices in the industry, with top-notch customer service and free shipping. Pay no taxes on your new lawn mower! (except in MN)

    We offer insured shipping through FedEx and pre-scheduled delivery times to make sure you don’t miss the delivery. Compare our prices with our competitors—we guarantee you’ll come back to MowerSource.com! Best prices around.